
You can download the free PDF file of the beaded Cat pattern via the link here or save the image below. Enjoy!

To blog or not to blog? That's a good question. There was a time when everyone blogged. Everyone, even me. I had more than 4 thousand visitors to one post. In 2016. What do you think? What was that? Before you start digging, let me tell you. Of course, a beaded Cat pattern was FREE. I'll share it here again, but I'm sure it won't get a few thousand views ;)) Everything has changed significantly since then. For example, you can only reach more people on social media if you pay. Lately, I have noticed that something has moved on in my blog, so I decided to continue it for you and me, too. In the future I want to share more information about my work, tricks and tips around the beading mat.

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